HEY ALL. jewel wanna go watch pirates of the carribean. so pick a date.
and a date for talk. :D -yuanmay.
i think we can do it on the same day yes? alright. PICK A DATE HONEY.
Saturday, July 08, 2006
FUN-ERS CANT BALANCE. hahaha! BOOOO! WE DIDNT TAKE PICTURES!!! okkkkkk i think heart-to-hearts will bond us closer. so, FUN-ERS! saturday, heart-to-heart talks. okay? like meet up for lunch then we have some loooooong talks. where? iunno. starbucks? hahaha. eh, iunno who say cannot after school. cause will have no mood to have heart-to-hearts. yeap. so saturday okay?
{i know this post is stupid. i keep going to the FUN blog everyday & see that post from rach makes me feel like writing something to put that away.}
i realised F.U.N was made on 17th Feb. so how? want a birthday for it or anniversary? [:
"its not everyday that six people can be the bestest of friends" -marie